Imperial troops have entered the base.

King of Pain – dirty little notes header image 3


Foto by Dan Alexandru

Marcel Krueger is a German writer, translator and blogger who owns a sword cane and a laptop. He loves doing stuff with words, and did not go to school to learn this. He lived in Dublin, Ireland for quite a while and is currently trying to divide his time between Berlin and the Irish capital. Somehow, he always ends up writing about history, travel or booze.

Besides his work as a copywriter for an internet company with a blue logo, his articles and essays have been published in Daily Telegraph, Reykjavik Grapevine, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Vision Magazine, Le Cool Dublin, the Matador Network and The Dublin Community Blog (Winner Irish Blog Awards 2009) amongst others; and he regularly spreads invective via this blog here. His poem “Cities” was featured in the Upstart exhibition project in Dublin, and Marcel regularly contributes to Slow Travel Berlin and Pocketcultures and works as a local Berlin expert or ‘Spotter’ for Spotted by Locals.

He is co-founder and contributing editor of travel- and music documentary Sonic Iceland about contemporary Icelandic music, and also explored Eastern Europe researching family history under the moniker In The Dark Night in 2012.

In 2011, Marcel has published his first book, a collection of short stories and blog posts entitled ‘Stop Coming to My House’, and also contributed to the ‘Games for Kids of The World’ anthology published by Pocketcultures.

He is also a graduate of the Matador New Media School for Travelers.

Together with Seamus Heaney, Roddy Doyle and a bunch of other great Irish writers Marcel currently holds the world record for ‘Most Authors Reading Consecutively From Their Own Books’ at the Irish Writers’ Centre.

Before devoting every ounce of Rock’n'Roll he possesses to his writing, Marcel has been shouting for a couple of metal bands, worked as DJ for a German radio station and used to run his own booking agency.

You can also connect to Marcel via these networks, if you so wish:


Here’s a short video featuring Marcel talking about Nazi spies in Ireland, filmed by Storymap Dublin:

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